Saturday, June 30, 2007

Crummy trip for Jonny

After 3 days of driving with so little sleep, Jonny reached our Alpharetta apartment tonight to find that the management had forgotten to leave a key for him! The Elders from our new ward who had come to help him unpack had to go home and Jonny is having to sleep in the cab of the truck tonight.
Needless to say, we are both pretty freaking mad! >:(

Please pray for him, that he can somehow get into the apartment tomorrow (the office there is closed on Sundays). He has to go back to work on Monday!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

One giant leap for the Robinson family...

Last night we finished packing-up all our things and loading everything into the rental truck. Today I cleaned the empty house and took the last few things to storage, and Jonny left with the renal for Georgia. (He is still on the road at 12AM, poor guy.) Keep him in your prayers!
It's been a VERY busy week, and I'm too tired to really be able to think much... Thats a good thing; I miss Jonny already and thinking about moving makes me depressed. :(

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us out! We could not have done it without you. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't say it enough.
Also, thank you to everyone who could make it to Graydon's birthday party. He got a lot of awesome gifts, and it was good to see everyone before Jonny had to go.

Tomorrow I have more to do to finalize things, then I get a fun break: "Ocean's 13" with Lorrin. :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

First Update!

I thought I better make a post now that so many people know about the new blog!

Nothing really new today. Packing and preparing for Graydon's early birthday party... I think I have got the hang of using our new camcorder so we'll be able to get all of that on video. :)
In a few hours I'm going to lunch with Mom and my three sisters. Olive Garden is yum!

Best of all: Jonny will be home tonight!