Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Doing well! :)

Just an update to let you know that we are all doing well! My dad is all finished with his therapy and is feeling good over-all (mostly tired). Graydon and I have had a good time visiting with family and friends this past week, and I REALLY enjoyed seeing Transformers the other night. IT WAS AWESOME!!! (But it's so not for kids, so look out for that.) Jonny is surviving as well... He says he may not make it to the 3rd but I'm sure he will. ;)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Graydon's progressive slide show!

I thought a little slide show of the past year with Graydon would be cute... I made it with the few photos I have here on my parent's computer, so I'll have to make a better one later when we get to GA.
Graydon will be a year old in less than 2 weeks!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Plans & Prayers

Looks like Graydon and I will be flying to Georgia on the 3rd of August (one day after the munchkin's birthday). No luck with the house yet though... Pray for us! o_o

Keep my dad in your prayers too. He's finishing his last radiation treatment today and will be in the hospital overnight.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Alls well...for now.

Jonny was able to get a key Sunday morning, and after church about 6 Elders came back with him and they unpacked the truck! So all is well for now, other than Jonny having a box-stuffed apartment to organize and unpack... And the three of us missing each other like crazy.

The house market here in Utah seems to be cooling, so we'll have to drop the price of the house. We don't really care too much, we just want to sell it fast. I need to mow that darn lawn tomorrow morning too. x_x

Have a happy 4th of July!!!