Thursday, August 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Graydon! ...and goodbye Utah.

First off, HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to my beautiful son Graydon! I am so amazed by and thankful for his joyful sweet spirit; he gets me through the rough times. :)

...Rough times like this. Tomorrow night we fly to Georgia. I can't wait to be with Jonny again, but I am having a really REALLY hard time with leaving my home and family and friends here in Utah. I'll miss you all so much; please keep in touch! Pray for us... And pray that Graydon handles the flight well! o_o

I'll post again as soon as I can!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New Photos of Graydon: 1 year old!

My sister-in-law took these birthday photos of Graydon for me (he will be 1 year old tomorrow). I cropped some of them, and I added the blue to his eyes in the first B&W picture with PhotoShop. :)