Wednesday, November 14, 2007


OUR HOUSE HAS SOLD!!! No more mortgage payments on top of all our GA bills and no more worry! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :D

I can now say quite honestly that I am happy here in GA. I still miss my family and friends in Utah, I miss my mountains, and I just miss the "West," but the Lord knew what He was doing when He sent us to our new home. I have made so many awesome friends, there are so many fun things to do here as a family, I have discovered a lot of things about myself, and NATURE is always waiting just outside our apartment building!

Speaking of Nature, I took my boy out for a walk on the Greenway before his nap. The woods were calling to me and I couldn't say no, and I'm so glad I listened! I met a very sweet woman from Germany, and I saw the most beautiful hawk! I wish I had had a camera or something... I'm thinking about getting a Georgia Birdwatching book tonight; we see so much wildlife every day and it bugs me when I don't know what something is. :P
I said a little prayer thanking God for the gift of being so close to all the beauty and life He has created, and for making me so good at spotting some of it (even when I forget my glasses like today). <3

(Photos soon!)