Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Alive in Georgia

I thought I better make a quick update while I am here at the library since I am sure everyone is wondering about us. We still don't have internet at the apartment. :(
We are all healthy and happy, and GA isn't so bad. I LOVE our ward, and I love all the trees. Graydon is doing well and keeping me busy, as is the unpacking. Jonny is working hard and we are all SO happy to be together again. The flight was stressful but ok. Graydon slept through most of the adventure; I did not...

More to come later. Graydon is letting me know it's time to go home and have lunch!
Love and miss you all back in Utah!!! <3


Anonymous said...

Yea! I am so glad to hear from you! I was wondering about the lack of updates, I hope you get internet soon.

Love, Rachel

Heather said...

I am glad you are doing good Nikki! Keep in touch, I have missed hearing from you, I know you are really busy getting your new house together :)
Love, Heather