Monday, May 5, 2008

Wow, I have not posted in a long long time. I have been way too busy thanks to the holidays and then getting pregnant with baby #2 (it's a girl)!

I'll probably be closing this blog before too long... I'm just not keeping up with it much. If I open a new blog I'll let you all know!


Anonymous said...

COngrats on the new baby, that is so exciting. I don't know if you read my blog, but we have had quite a rough couple of months. Dad got really sick and was diagnosed with leukemia last month, it hit suddenly and it took him suddenly. His funeral was last Monday up in Utah. I have a link to my parents blog on here it has a post practically daily since he was admitted in the hospital. Maybe you could pass the word onto your parents, I know my parents loved your parents.

UnderTheSeaWind said...

I am revamping my blog to be a dive log.. you should continue this with funny G stories :)